Colonization & Exploration – Quiz 1
Need to brush up on your knowledge of early US History? Take our colonization quiz today.
Exploration & Colonization
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Question 1 |
Which of the following experienced the most significant increase as a result of cash crop success?
A | Slave trade |
B | Private land ownership |
C | Free market economy |
D | Shipbuilding |
Question 2 |
What was the impact of the headright system?
A | More plantation owners had more political power |
B | Slavery became more popular |
C | More immigrants were attracted to the New World |
D | There were more land disputes with Native Americans |
Question 3 |
What did indentured servitude entail?
A | Religious groups were granted charters to come to the New World to establish a settlement. |
B | Colonial farmers would pay for people to cross the Atlantic in exchange for labor for a contracted period of time. . |
C | Women would be given passage to the New World as long as they married the man who paid their way. |
D | It was the procedure that brought slaves to the New World. |
Question 4 |
The following are all examples of a type of colony except
A | Proprietary colonies |
B | Corporate colonies |
C | Religious colonies |
D | Royal colonies |
Question 5 |
What was the result of the Treaty of Tordesillas?
A | Land was divided between Spain and Portugal for exploration and colonization |
B | Mexico was given to Spain for exploration while Brazil was given to Brazil |
C | Native Americans would keep control of western North America while Spain would keep Central America and South America |
D | Florida was added to the English Colonies |
Question 6 |
The colonies of Rhode Island and Connecticut were created under what purpose?
A | To expand the economy of shipbuilding |
B | To provide religious tolerance to those who opposed the Puritan Church |
C | To convert Native Americans to Christianity |
D | To challenge English authority |
Question 6 Explanation:
Leaders like Roger Williams and Thomas Hooker led those were felt conflicted with the Puritan church to Rhode Island and Connecticut to start their own governments under their own interpretations of religion with toleration for other religious beliefs.
Question 7 |
What was the first establishment of democracy in America?
A | House of Lords |
B | Sons of Liberty |
C | Continental Congress |
D | House of Burgesses |
Question 8 |
What was an example of Native American retaliation during the colonization of North America?
A | The development of tobacco |
B | New England Confederation |
C | The outbreak of Smallpox |
D | King Philip's War |
Question 8 Explanation:
King Philip's War or Metacom's War, was a war between New England colonists and Wampanoags over land disputes. The Wampanoags, led under Metacom burned English villages but were repressed by colonists, ending any chance of future Native American retaliation.
Question 9 |
The following documents could be used to understand the influence of democracy in America except
A | The Navigation Acts |
B | The Charter of Liberties |
C | The Mayflower Compact |
D | The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut |
Question 10 |
" For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a by-word through the world." This quote was written by which colonial leader?
A | James Oglethorpe |
B | John Smith |
C | John Winthrop |
D | William Penn |
Question 10 Explanation:
This was quoted from John Winthrop's "A Model of Christian Charity."
Question 11 |
The Puritans added this new policy in the 1660s for younger Puritan generations to make Puritan life more appealing.
A | The Charter of Liberties |
B | The headright system |
C | The Halfway Covenant |
D | The Act of Toleration |
Question 12 |
What was the first permanent settlement in English North America?
A | Roanoke Colony |
B | Jamestown |
C | New Amsterdam |
D | Plymouth |
Question 13 |
Bacon's Rebellion was a result of what political problem?
A | The power Sir William Berkeley and rich plantation owners used to execute policies that favored plantation owners |
B | Native American disputes over the land in Western Virginia |
C | The lack of payment or kept contracts for indentured servants |
D | The rising class differences between the rich plantation owners and the poor farmers and their difference in representative opinion |
Question 13 Explanation:
Sir William Berkeley and plantation owners were using royal authority to help favor the rich, successful plantation owners instead of the lower class farmer. Farmers like Bacon did not like the fact that a small body of people were making decisions that only affected the Chesapeake Bay area.
Question 14 |
What is an example of mercantilism?
A | Acts of Trade and Navigation |
B | Holy Experiment |
C | Salutary neglect |
D | Triangular trade |
Question 15 |
What was a driving force for European exploration?
A | Global power |
B | All of the above |
C | Spreading of religion |
D | Economic opportunities |
Question 16 |
Colleges like Harvard and Yale were started for what purpose?
A | To study finance and economics |
B | To study the practice of medicine |
C | To be a center for liberal arts |
D | Religious studies |
Question 17 |
What was Roger William's influence in the Puritan church?
A | He preached equal gender rights |
B | He believed in the sole authority of Puritan leaders |
C | He saw a vision from Heaven |
D | He preached the individual's right to decide religious thought |
Question 18 |
Who is known for the cultivation of tobacco?
A | John Rolfe |
B | John Smith |
C | Sir Francis Drake |
D | Sir Walter Raleigh |
Question 18 Explanation:
John Rolfe was known as the father of the tobacco industry. He perfected the growth and production of tobacco, making it one of the main cash crops of the Virginia colony.
Question 19 |
What was the purpose of mercantilism?
A | To encourage free enterprise between colonists and other countries |
B | To only provide goods and resources to the mother country that supports the colonies. |
C | To have complete political control of colonies |
D | To share the wealth according to each man's work and means. |
Question 20 |
Which leaders had the most influence in the Great Awakening?
A | Lord Baltimore and William Penn |
B | Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson |
C | Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield |
D | Jonathan Edwards and Roger Williams |
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Thanks for the great structured quizzes! Some of the questions seem a bit detailed, but I enjoyed it overall. These really do help me. THANK YOU!
Thanks for the feedback Nathan. We hope you’ll keep using the site and sharing it with classmates.
Good luck on your upcoming exam!
Thanks for the quizzes; they’re very helpful!
Thank you! Very helpful quick study tool to help me prepare for my final tomorrow!
These six quizes are great! Is there any way you’d be interested in going a little farther? These are perfect for studying for mid terms, and I’d love to have more of your quizes to study for the final and the AP exam!
get more quizzes uploaded
The quiz was extremely fun to do, but they weren’t excerpt based and I wish that they were. Nope I actually wished that we got questions like these in the AP Exams, but then that would as same as wishing for the impossible, but I feel like the excerpts really throw me off, like I got a perfect score on your quiz, but in class I am horrible at those excerpt based MCQs.
wowowowowowwow great shtuff my guy, helps a lot!
As a struggling APUSH student, I really appreciate this.
Although this practice was extremely helpful, I feel as though it could be greatly improved through questions which include a passage in which lies a question that is waiting to be asked. Thank you for creating this delightful practice quiz; it has helped me in reviewing material which has been forgotten/remembered vaguely. I hope you consider my feedback for future generations.
I really appreciate these quizzes, however an explanation on every question rather than just the questions you get correct first try would be helpful.
Hey Christian – thanks for your feedback. I’ll keep that in mind if I ever go back and edit the quizzes. All the best to you.